Traumatic Brain Injury Resources

Traumatic Brain Injury Resources

Click on any of the logos below to be directed to their website

The Brain Injury Association of NZ
The Brain Injury Association of NZ

This site links to the 14 regional Brain Injury Association offices for information and support. It also holds downloadable resources about brain injury.

ACC TBI best practice guidelines

Provides a link to the ACC webpages about TBI, including links to the ACC best practice guidelines for the treatment and rehab of people who have experienced a TBI.
The Center on Brain Injury Research and Training

The CBIRT is an American site that has multiple resources, including downloadable information sheets for teachers.

Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury

American website with TBI prevention and treatment articles and advice.

Center for Disease control and prevention – TBI prevention
Center for Disease control and prevention – TBI prevention

Information about brain injury prevention.