ABI Rehabilitation achieves the highest level of CARF international accreditation for a further three years

CARF – the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities – is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that assesses the facilities and services of a wide range of rehabilitation providers globally. CARF accreditation is a prestigious and internationally recognised quality mark, signalling that the services we provide meet or exceed international best practice.
The highest level of accreditation is achieved for a three-year cycle. In 2011, ABI became the first service provider in Australasia to achieve accreditation and has successfully renewed it during every cycle since, remaining the only service provider to do so since then.
Following the most recent survey, conducted in December 2024, the organisation has been issued gold standard accreditation for a further three years across its intensive, residential and community bases services.
In addition, this is the first year ABI Hamilton has been included in the survey and has received three-year accreditation for the first time. This is a significant milestone, reflecting the effectiveness and success of the service to date.
“This achievement is an indication of your organisation’s dedication and commitment to improving the quality of the lives of the persons served. Services, personnel and documentation clearly indicate an established pattern of conformance to standards”.
— Brian J. Boon, Ph.D., President/CEO CARF
A rare occurrence in a CARF survey is an ‘exemplary’ conformance accreditation, where a particular area of practice meets a very high threshold. ABI has been issued this exemplary award for the integration of Te Hekenga-a-Ora (Māori Development Plan) into strategic planning, operational management and service delivery.
“ABI’s leadership is commended on its commitment to the development and implementation of the Māori Development Plan, which focuses on the delivery of inclusive and culturally appropriate brain injury specialty programmes in the areas of home and community, concussion, residential and comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation services and is implemented from strategic planning to programme planning with kiritaki.“
— Brian J. Boon, Ph.D., President/CEO CARF
“This accreditation provides our kiritaki and whānau with reassurance that our service meets international standards delivered with care and has been such a mammoth effort by all our wonderful kaimahi (workforce). Thank you to everyone for their willingness to participate in this survey – we appreciate you all so much”.
— Dr. Christine Howard-Brown, Chief Executive, Evolution Health & Wellbeing Group