Introducing ABI Kaiwhakahaere

What better time to introduce you to our Kaiwhakahaere (ABI Māori Leaders/Advisors) ABI are celebrating Te wiki o te Reo Māori this week and what better time to introduce you to our kaiwhakahaere. ABI Rehabilitation NZ has the support of a Kaumātua, Urihaumate (Māori Consumer) and Whānau Advisor nationally and at our Auckland Intensive site… Continue reading Introducing ABI Kaiwhakahaere

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Working with Whānau – two models of rehabilitation used at ABI Rehab

This week is Te wiki o te Reo Māori, what better time to introduce you to two Māori rehabilitation tools that are used at ABI.  Both of these tools are authored by Dr Hinemoa Elder (Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri and Ngāpuhi) a Child and Adolescent and Forensic Psychiatrist.   Some key aspects of… Continue reading Working with Whānau – two models of rehabilitation used at ABI Rehab

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World Physiotherapy Day 2021

World Physiotherapy Day is annually observed on September 8th.  The day strives to raise awareness about the crucial role physiotherapists play in keeping people fit and well and the role physiotherapists have in rehabilitation.   Physiotherapists play an integral role of ABI’s leadership and service delivery.  ABI has a team of almost 40 physiotherapists working… Continue reading World Physiotherapy Day 2021

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Wild weather in Auckland

Widespread flooding occurred overnight in Auckland and MetService has issued a heavy rain warning for Auckland until later today. West Auckland, in particular, Kumeu was the worst hit. Two of ABI’s residential disability services have experienced flooding overnight, some of the team have faced road closures getting to work. However, the clients are all ok, being well… Continue reading Wild weather in Auckland

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Beanie up for Stroke Awareness

Members of the ABI team wore their beanies to work during July and August in support of stroke awareness and provided a donation to the Stroke Foundation NZ to support their fundraising efforts for stroke awareness. Over 11,000 strokes are experienced each year in New Zealand. According to the Ministry of Health, Stroke is New… Continue reading Beanie up for Stroke Awareness

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The aftermath of a devastating king hit punch on the sports field

There has been some attention in the media recently regarding the devastating impact of the king hit punch. The king hit punch is also known as a cowards punch or suckers punch.  ABI client Luka and his whānau have courageously and bravely shared their story to raise awareness of the impact of this attack, which… Continue reading The aftermath of a devastating king hit punch on the sports field

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ABI Wellington Hospital Drive turns 1

The new building built for ABI Wellington Rehabilitation recently turned 1. This site, at Hospital Drive in Kenepuru provides Intensive Inpatient Rehabilitation for newly injured clients with moderate and severe Brain Injury and residential support for a smaller number of clients who are not able to live in the community. Most clients, within this service, are… Continue reading ABI Wellington Hospital Drive turns 1

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ABI Auckland welcome 2 “Tiny Homes”

The first cabin arrives on the truck, with Tiny Homes Managing Director Simon Davies, Max Cavit, Owner and Board Chair of ABI Rehabilitation and Tony Young, General Manager Rehabilitation

ABI Auckland has welcomed two new cabins to the Intensive Rehabilitation site. These cabins are designed for mobile independent clients who are nearing the end of their Intensive inpatient rehabilitation enabling them to practice some of the living skills they have gained before discharging home. The cabins will house a client each, has a kitchenette,… Continue reading ABI Auckland welcome 2 “Tiny Homes”

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Multiple head knocks in high contact sports

Last night the Sunday programme on TV1 aired an episode called “Head Games” about Rugby and Concussion, specifically, the impact of multiple head knocks in high contact sports and link to CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). One of ABI’s Medical Directors and Rehabilitation Medicine Physician, Dr Richard Seemann previously wrote an article published on ABI’s… Continue reading Multiple head knocks in high contact sports

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