A neuropsychological assessment involves an interview and a number of “pen and paper” tests designed to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Neuropsychological Assessment
What is a Neuropsychological Assessment?
Neuropsychological assessments are carried out by psychologists who have undergone advanced training.
A neuropsychological assessment involves an interview and a number of “pen and paper” tests designed to identify strengths and weaknesses.
A neuropsychological assessment measures and evaluates thinking, mood and behaviour through interview, observation and testing.
The assessment may cover areas (thinking skills) such as:
- Speed and amount of information able to be processed
- Memory and learning
- Attention and concentration
- Language
- Planning and organisation
- Problem solving
- Mood
- Psychological factors and behaviours
Why have a Neuropsychological Assessment?
Neuropsychological assessments help plan your rehabilitation and therapy programmes by identifying your strengths and weaknesses. They are used for decisions about school and work and other areas of life after the injury.
The assessment may be repeated to help the psychologist measure both short and long term recovery.
They are usually completed six months after injury and are sometimes repeated after 12 months. At the end of the session the psychologist may give you some general feedback about how you performed in the assessment.
They will prepare a detailed written report that may take a few weeks to process. You can request a copy of this report.
A follow up appointment or phone call to discuss the results may be provided.
Our Service
We deliver high quality neuropsychological assessment to clients with potential changes to neurological functioning following injury or other neurological events.
Our neuropsychological assessments are carried out by a number of highly qualified Psychologists who contract to ABI Rehabilitation. Assessments can take place at private Psychology clinics or at ABI Rehabilitation.
Preparing for the assessment
The assessment may take between three and four hours (in total) to complete.
It is not possible to study for the assessment but you can prepare well to make sure it’s a good measure of your abilities.
- Write down any questions you may have.
- Make your appointment at the time of the day when you feel most alert.
- Ask for small breaks if you feel tired throughout the assessment.
- If you wear reading glasses and a hearing aid, bring them with you.
- Take copies of previous assessments.
- Take contact details of people who can give the neuropsychologist useful background information.
- Take a support person if you feel the need.
Some people find the assessment tiring and this may last for a few a days, so do not plan anything too demanding for the days after the assessment.