We found 136 results for your search.

Drugs and alcohol

by brain injury. Alcohol and other drugs may affect brain injury survivors more than they did before their injury. Depression is about 8 times more common in the first year after…


…thinking, and reasoning. How can our cognitive rehabilitation workshops have the best value for clients? Improving discharge planning/community transition: How can we support clients’ seamless transition back home after rehabilitation

ABI Rehabilitation Services regions Map

ABI Rehabilitation Services Regions Map Rehabilitation We provide rehabilitation services to partner with clients to help them achieve what is important to them. We work in your environment where you…

Anatomy and Physiology

of the skull, and suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, the brain is susceptible to damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries such as a…

Donna Gordon

Quality Manager Donna has been a registered nurse for over 30 years, consolidating clinical practice across a range of health settings including general health and mental health. Following registration Donna…

National Aotearoa Psychology Week May 10 -16

…member of the rehabilitation team, supporting clients of all ages and their whānau adjust and understand changes following an injury.  ABI is fortunate to have Psychologists on the team with…

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Team wellbeing 

The new posters with L-R Anthony Lowen, People and Culture Manager; Helena Lister, Rehabilitation Services Manager; Maegan VanSolkema, Clinical Lead (Speech Language Therapy) and James Murray Physiotherapist and ABI Wellbeing Committee Chairperson

…ensure they access support when they need it.   We have recently had some posters printed to raise awareness of the new partnership and ensure the team across all of

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Spinal Cord Injury Resources

…in every aspect of their daily lives as they first come to an acceptance of their impairment and then as they re-enter community life and the workforce and for many…