ABI Residential Disability Services
Following a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or other neurological impairment, most people return home. However, some individuals require specialised longer-term rehabilitation or have a need for supports that are unable to be managed at home.
The ABI Residential Service provides for these needs, with a number of community-based residential houses in West Auckland catering to people with specialised needs following an acquired or traumatic brain injury.
ABI holds contracts with ACC, Ministry of Health and District Health Boards and require a referral from a funder to initiate the process. If you have any questions or require assistance please contact us.
What do ABI Residential Disability Services offer?
- A well-established service with many years experience successfully providing long-term Residential Rehabilitation Services for people aged 18-65 who have had a brain injury.
- A commitment to providing a person centred service, with a safe, home-like environment characterised by respect, care and individual choice.
- An experienced clinical rehabilitation team, who work to promote and maximise quality of life and independence through specialised living programmes and individual rehabilitation plans.
- Specialised services including;
- Residential living services for people with complex medical needs,
- neuro-behavioural services,
- transition to independence and
- longer term residential placement

Residential Living Services
Over 90% of people that go through the ABI Intensive Rehabilitation Programme return home and have their follow-up rehabilitation in the community. After a severe brain injury, however, some individuals will require a period of further rehabilitation in our specialised residential living service.
This may be because the person’s normal home and family settings are not currently set up to manage the special mobility, safety, behavioural and/or medical needs the person may now have. These people may stay with ABI for an extended period while undergoing rehabilitation to prepare them to transition to independent community living.
Longer term residential placement
A smaller number of individuals will have a life-long need for support with complex medical, physical and neuro-psychological cares, which requires a skilled team. While rest-homes and private hospitals are suitable for meeting the needs of older people, they are often not equipped to handle the complex needs of people following acquired or traumatic brain injury. ABI residential services fill this specialised need, with each person matched to the residential house that will best meet their needs.
Service Delivery
- 24 hour, seven day a week care for clients from rehabilitation staff with supervision from registered nurses and allied health professionals
- Whānau / family support
- Ability to manage complex, medically and mentally stable brain injured clients
- Professional input from medical and allied health teams, including Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine, Rehabilitation Nursing, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and Psychology
- Individualised rehabilitation plans, with a focus on meaningful participation and community participation.